Black Artist - Gorgeous Stories Press

Poetry, Stories, Photography, Digital Art

We are proud to publish and showcase on our website poetry, essays, short stories, articles, photography, digital art by talented writers and artists.

Destiny: A Force Majeure

Systemic oppression; infinite manifestations

A celestial black hole: a death trap

Ever present, no escape, impervious to light

No safe place; no one to trust

Desperation, like Death Valley: no way out, no way up

Utterly thwarted

Endless soul-crushing humiliation, vilification, dehumanization

Deepest depths of abject despair

Beneath the surface, deep down

Creepingly, unrelentingly, feeling irreparably damaged, broken, worthless

Crushing Maslow's hierarchy

Shattering connections, dreams, education and employment aspirations, entire futures

A single act of injustice can permanently cripple or kill the vulnerable

Constant mortal danger

Terror with every breath, every step

Constant hum contemplating annihilation

"I can't breath..."

"Mama, Mama..."

Breath is forcibly extinguished ad nauseam

Extinguishing hope for generations

Obliterating lives, communities, cultures

911 Emergency: cease over policing, killing our children; precious lives

Oppressors rationalize their actions ad nauseam

Impenetrably oblivious to the massive suffering created by their brutality

Cries for justice fall like silent raindrops in cities across the country

The highest court in the land wielding unrepresentative power

Recklessly and shamelessly, with no regard for women's agency, well-being

Shredded and revoked our most inviolable fundamental freedom

The right of women to control our bodily autonomy

The right to privacy under the Due Process Clause of the 14th Amendment to the Constitution

Upending 50 years of Stare Decisis Doctrine: courts adherence to precedent

The minority majority codified the deepest intrusions into women's bodies

Over policing, punishing women; stripping them of their free will

Oppressors rationalize their actions ad nauseam

Impenetrably oblivious to the massive suffering created by their unjust laws

Cries for justice fall like silent raindrops on the steps of "Equal Justice Under Law"

The most tenured judge on the highest court in the land

Deemed all rights under the 14th Amendment to be fair game

Same-sex marriage, biracial marriage, birth control, with no end in sight

Constitutional rights previously upheld under the Due Process Clause and Stare Decisis

States cannot deprive “any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law”

Oppressors rationalize their actions ad nauseam

Impenetrably oblivious to the massive suffering created by their unjust laws

Cries for justice fall like silent raindrops on the steps of "Equal Justice Under Law"

Oppressors rarely pay a commensurate price relative to the damage they inflict

Retaliation, reserved for those who dare to confront the oppressors, is calculated, pure evil

Retaliation eviscerates lives; disguised as "justified" acts by the oppressors

Systemic overhaul of our world is urgently needed

To reverse the crushing reality

Oppression, in all manifestations, causes profound everlasting damage

Oppression claims an unbearable number of gorgeous stories, gorgeous lives